#MancrushMonday: Mark Berger
#MancrushMonday Mark Berger is Episode 24 in my series dedicated to showcasing some seriously inspiring men that have crossed my path. Previously on my #jaxpirational series I gave the ladies some props, it’s time the men got a shout out!
Meet South Africa’s very own Queen of the skies and Co-Owner of Gate 69 theatre. I so appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with me. So without further adieu let me introduce:

Tell us a bit about yourself
Serial Entrepreneur. Sales Trainer, Sales Coach, Motivational Speaker & Collaborative Connector. Father, Husband, Surfer, Hippie (actually FISHIE – Financially Independent Sustainable Hippie). Serial Optimist. Prodigious Hustler. First and foremost a Salesman – and proud of it!
When and where were you born?
28 August 1962, South Africa
Where are you living now?
Cape Town, South Africa
What kind of creative are you?
I provide skills training, coaching, motivation and inspiration
Name of your brand?
Mark Berger Training
How did you discover your calling?
At age 34. Came out of a 3 month depression. Life was not working. Had an epiphany one evening.
What do you love most about what you do?
Connection, Collaboration, co-creation and Inspiration, leading to new possibilities.
What do you like the least about what you do?
Air Travel and being away from home
Who or what has been your biggest motivators ?
My late father, Stephen Covey, Neale Donald Walsh, Oprah Winfrey, Deepak Chopra, OSHO and many more
Have you experienced fear along the way & how did you overcome it?
I experienced a lot of fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and paranoia. As a remedy, I
- attended a lot of personal transformation workshops
- traveled to India 7 times to meditate
- read over 500 self-help books
- underwent life-coaching
- took up yoga
- and a few more I cannot recall right now.
- tried Ritalin only once
What are your greatest achievement/s?
Raising great kids, being (mostly) happily married for 30 years, Being Self Employed for my whole life, going bankrupt, starting and selling 3 diverse businesses.
Who do you thank for your success?
My dad, my wife, my business partners, my spirit guides and myself.
What upcoming projects do you have?
The Daily Hustle
How are you currently coping with the #Covid19 Crisis?
It is an emotional Roller Coaster. I feel it has forced me to make some major changes. I absolutely needed to make these, but was too busy on my hamster wheel.
Any words of encouragement for other male creatives out there?
What if EVERY problem is actually an opportunity in disguise?
Where can we stalk you on social media?
website: www.markberger.co.za
Facebook: Mark Berger Training
Instagram : @markbergsa
Twitter: @markbergersa
Special Thanks to Mark Berger for his time and sharing a bit more about himself. Stay tuned for another #MancrushMonday next week!
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