#MancrushMonday : Ronnie Belcher / Black Crow Tattoo Artist

#mancrushmonday charlixboi - The jax blog

Introducing #MancrushMonday : Ronnie Belcher / Black Crow Tattoo Artist

#MancrushMonday : Ronne Belcher is part of a FABULOUS new series dedicated to showcasing some seriously inspiring men that have crossed my path. Previously on my #jaxpirational series I gave the ladies some props, it’s time the men got a shout out!

I have yet to get some ink from this insanely talented artist, muso & film maker, Ronnie Belcher. I so appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with me. So without further adieu let me introduce:

#mancrushmonday Ronnie Belcher - the jax blog
Meet Ronnie Belcher

Tell us a bit about yourself

Tattoo artist at Mr Lucky’s Cape Town Tattoo, Drummer for Teminatryx, Co-founder of BlackMilk Productions, passionate about cooking and all things creative.

When and where were you born?

29 June 1978 in Cape Town, South Africa

Where are you living now?

Cape Town, South Africa

What kind of creative are you?

Tattoo Artist and Musician

Name of your brand?

Mr Lucky’s Cape Town Tattoo and Terminatryx

How did you discover your calling?

Music and creativity have always been there and I was fortunate enough to start an apprenticeship at Mr Lucky’s Cape Town Tattoo in 2017.

What do you love most about what you do?

Creating things that will last forever.

What do you like the least about what you do?

Self-Doubt, which is a common trait with being creative.

Who or what has been your biggest motivators ?

My family, friends, mentors and co-creators.

Have you experienced fear along the way & how did you overcome it?

Of course. It is important to learn from mistakes and become confident.

What are your greatest achievement/s?

Winning multiple design and film awards, releasing albums, and having happy tattoo clients.

Who do you thank for your success?

ThMy family, loved ones, co-creators and clients.

What upcoming projects do you have?

There are many, ranging from numerous music releases to wonderful tattoo projects.

How are you currently coping with the #Covid19 Crisis?

I am busy with a solo music project, which is keeping my mind occupied.

Any words of encouragement for other male creatives out there?

Do what feels right and constantly challenge yourself. Never stop learning.

Where can we stalk you on social media?

Instagram : @black.crow.tattoo.artist @capetowntattoo @terminatryx

Facebook: @black.crow.tattoo.artist @capetowntattooclub @terminatryx

Special Thanks to Ronnie Belcher for his time and sharing a bit more about himself. Stay tuned for another #MancrushMonday next week!

Don’t miss next week’s #MancrushMonday Interview – Subscribe now!

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