#MancrushMonday : Terence Mentor aka Afrodaddy

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Introducing #MancrushMonday : Terence Mentor aka Afrodaddy

#MancrushMonday is a FABULOUS new series dedicated to showcasing some seriously inspiring men that have crossed my path. Previously on my #jaxpirational series I gave the ladies some props, it’s time the men got a shout out!

Afrodaddy is one of the few father bloggers in South Africa with a Youtube Channel with a focus on parenting from a dad’s perspective. I so appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with me. So without further adieu let me introduce:

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am a blogger, vlogger and podcaster, husband to Julie and father to Liam and Eli. I have also have an unbridled passion for Lays Thai Sweet Chilli

When and where were you born?

5 January in South Africa

Where are you living now?

Cape Town

What kind of creative are you?

I write, make videos and podcasts

Name of your brand?


How did you discover your calling?

When I became a dad, I noticed that there was a real lack of content about parenting from dads’ perspectives. So I decided to get a camera and start talking!

What do you love most about what you do?

The occasions when a dad tells me that he feels heard and supported through my content – that’s awesome!

What do you like the least about what you do?

Having to do everything – writing, presenting, shooting, designing, editing, engineering…it’s enough to make me dizzy if I think about for too long.

Who or what has been your biggest motivators ?

One of my biggest motivations is the fact that we have a real fatherhood problem in this country.

Have you experienced fear along the way & how did you overcome it?

There’s always the fear of failure – the best way to overcome it is to redefine what success looks like. For me, that meant ignoring the numbers and focusing on being real and relatable.

What are your greatest achievement/s?

Judging the SA Parenting Bloggers Award Featured in Washington Post.

Who do you thank for your success?

My wife who puts up with my nonsense content ideas…

What upcoming projects do you have?

The usual regular episodes of The Ask AfroDaddy Podcast and Online dad meet ups.

How are you currently coping with the #Covid19 Crisis?

I’m fortunate that our situation is a good one. Our boys can play with each other, as they don’t have any real school work at their age. That being said, I really miss socializing with people I don’t live with!

Any words of encouragement for other male creatives out there?

A little bit of vulnerability goes a long way – be brave enough to be real and people will follow!

Where can we stalk you on social media?

Website: www.afrodaddyonline.com

Instagram : Afrodaddyct

Youtube: Afrodaddy

Facebook: Afrodaddy

Google podcasts: http://bit.ly/AskAfroDaddyonGooglePodcasts

Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/AskAfroDaddyonApplePodcasts

Spotify: http://bit.ly/AskAfroDaddyonSpotify

Stitcher: http://bit.ly/AskAfroDaddyonStitcher

Special Thanks to Terence Mentor for his time and sharing a bit more about himself. Stay tuned for another #MancrushMonday next week!

Don’t miss next week’s #MancrushMonday Interview – Subscribe now!

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