#MancrushMonday: Tyrone Paulsen

#Mancrushmonday: Barry futter - the jax blog

#MancrushMonday: Tyrone Paulsen

#MancrushMonday Tyrone Paulsen is Episode 22 in my series dedicated to showcasing some seriously inspiring men that have crossed my path. Previously on my #jaxpirational series I gave the ladies some props, it’s time the men got a shout out!

Tyrone is a radio personality, voice-over artist & self-confessed gatsby connoisseur and I so appreciate him taking time out of his busy schedule to chat with me. So without further adieu let me introduce:

#MancrushMonday: Tyrone Paulsen is a radio personality, voice-over artist & self-confessed gatsby connoisseur #TheJaxBlog #inspirational
Tyrone Paulsen

Tell us a bit about yourself

First & foremost, I’m a husband, dad & wannabe creative. A lover of technology & the ability to combine this into something I or someone else can enjoy. I’m a DJ, radio personality, voice-over artist & gatsby connoisseur, which I think makes me a real foodie, that & my current waistline.

When and where were you born?

8 June in South Africa

Where are you living now?

Cape Town, South Africa

What kind of creative are you?

I don’t think I have discovered my calling completely yet, as its still developing in different spheres & mediums. I still want to be a professional footballer, race car driver, pilot & a “real creative”.

Name of your brand?

Tyrone Paulsen

How did you discover your calling?

The ability to share what I do, to entertain others, be it through radio, a dancefloor or the images/video content I create.

What do you love most about what you do?

The ability to share what I do, to entertain others, be it through radio, a dancefloor or the images/video content I create.

What do you like the least about what you do?

Nothing really, however recently I discovered I don’t like it when clients don’t agree with my ideas, but I’m learning to deal with myself

Who or what has been your biggest motivators ?

My wife, even though she won’t admit to it, has always motivated me to be more creative & use my skills. However, she complains about it when I get too engrossed in things.

Have you experienced fear along the way & how did you overcome it?

I still do, all the time. Mostly about what if someone doesn’t like it, it’s why everyone doesn’t see all I do.

What are your greatest achievement/s?

There has been many amazing things I have done & can’t pin point just one thing as they could be viewed as insignificant or grandiose to others, from having 25000 people singalong at festival, to hearing my voice on a tv or radio ad, to having someone wanting to buy my art (which I ended up giving away for free), or have my family, say that’s my husband, dad or son there.

Who do you thank for your success?

My family, for allowing me to explore my craziness on a regular basis, but mostly my wife who in the beginning of my radio career put her ambitions on hold for me to grow in the industry and today allowing me to buy all kinds of toys.

What upcoming projects do you have?

I’m not working on anything per say, but developing skills to a level where I can do a complete career refocus. its a secret for now…..

How are you currently coping with the #Covid19 Crisis?

It’s tough, especially when it comes to the entertainment side, venues & parties are either canceled or on hold, which means I can’t really DJ or MC. As a family it’s tough as we are always out exploring, be it discovering a new market, visiting the countryside & connecting with family & friends. The crisis has stopped us from doing this.

Any words of encouragement for other male creatives out there?

Its simple be you, have fun with it & don’t sweat the little things.

Where can we stalk you on social media?

Facebook: @tyronepaulsen

Instagram : @tyronepaulsen

Twitter: @tyronepaulsen

Youtube: @tyronepaulsen

Special Thanks to Tyrone Paulsen for his time and sharing a bit more about himself. Stay tuned for another #MancrushMonday next week!

Don’t miss next week’s #MancrushMonday Interview – Subscribe now!

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