Meet Dusty Rebels and The Bombshells #jaxpirational (Ep 12)

Episode 12 of #Jaxpirational Series – Interview with Maria Vasco & Zigi Strydom

This is my 12th VLOG in the #jaxpirational series.

Dusty Rebels and The Bombshells forms part of my #jaxpirational series because of their ethos, values and principles which are completely in line with mine.

#jaxpirational is an inspirational series of all the wonderful souls who have crossed my path and have inspired me to do better every day in every way. Whether it be improving my blogging skills, learning more social media skills, improving my business skills or plain old-fashioned self-improvement to do good. These peers, colleagues, friends have made an impact in my life and I’d like to introduce them to you. So every Wednesday on my VLOG, I’ll be sharing them with you.

Today I chat to fellow fierce females Maria & Zigi Founders of the Rockabilly Festival, Dusty Rebels and The Bombshells. Their commitment to encouraging people to express their own uniqueness and individualism is commendable.

This is one of my favourite festivals in South Africa and embodies the truth ethos of the 50s.
Follow them on:

Recorded with iOs 6
Editing by Jacqui Cooks
Music by iMovie – Playful Theme

Photos with kind permission of Maria Vasco and Zigi Strydom

Additional Photos: Wikipedia,, rosietherivter, rockmymakeup.blogspot,

Disclaimer: I am not a professional videographer, nor hard-hitting journalist, all was shot on my iphone/webcam and edited in iMovie. By Ep 100 I’m sure I’ll have improved 🙂

#jaxpirational The Jax Blog – All Rights Reserved

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