Meet Nisha Varghese #jaxpirational (Ep 3)

Episode 3 of #Jaxpirational Series –  Nisha Varghese #Give25Smiles

This is my 3rd episode in the #jaxpirational series.

#jaxpirational is an inspirational series of all the wonderful souls who have crossed my path and have inspired me to do better every day in every way. Whether it be improving my blogging skills, learning more social media skills, improving my business skills or plain old-fashioned self-improvement to do good, these peers, colleagues, friends have made an impact in my life and I’d like to introduce them to you. So every Wednesday on my VLOG, I’ll be sharing them with you.

Today a little something different. Due to intermittent internet issues in South Africa, Skype calling has been out of the question this week so I’ve decided to share the story of an incredible young lady who despite her own challenges is doing something great for others. We met on Twitter and became friends. I did not get to “chat” with her for this VLOG (we emailed and Tweeted :-), but I would like to share her story and her video with you.

Meet Nisha Varghese, a 24 year old South African from East London who has cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a physical disability brought on by damage to the brain, which in turn impairs movement. She was diagnosed with this as well as scoliosis (curvature of the spine) at a very young age.

Despite this, every year Nisha undertakes to support a charity of her choice by selflessly raising funds for them.

This year the charity she is supporting is Smile Train . Smile Train is an international children’s charity that provides free cleft lip and cleft palate surgery to thousands of poor children in 87 of the world’s poorest countries.

In Nisha’s words:

 “Because I believe that every child deserves every opportunity to make a success of their lives.”

Her goal is to raise $6 250 in 12 months, which will be enough to cover 25 surgeries. This she says; “In honour of my 25th year of life” with a smile.

Please check out the video of this inspiring young woman, take a minute to visit her fundraising page and share a couple of bucks. If you are not able to donate towards the cause, I ask you to please share this story amongst your friends and family. The more people we reach the more possibilities we have of helping Nisha reach her goal.

See her story here:

Thank you for watching & to Nisha, THANK YOU for inspiring us all!

For more information about Nisha’s campaign please visit her fundraising page or follow her on Facebook or Twitter

Much Love





2 thoughts on “Meet Nisha Varghese #jaxpirational (Ep 3)”

    1. You are very welcome Nisha, it is the very least I can do. You are an inspiration to all of us, thank you for what you are doing each and every day! Much Love, Jax

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