Meet The Spicegoddess #jaxpirational (Ep 4)

Episode 4 of #Jaxpirational Series –  Verushka Ramsami, The Spicegodess

This is my fourth VLOG in the #jaxpirational series.

#jaxpirational is an inspirational series of all the wonderful souls who have crossed my path and have inspired me to do better every day in every way. Whether it be improving my blogging skills, learning more social media skills, improving my business skills or plain old-fashioned self-improvement to do good, these peers, colleagues, friends have made an impact in my life and I’d like to introduce them to you. So every Wednesday on my VLOG, I’ll be sharing them with you.

I wasn’t able to chat with Verushka from The Spice Goddess Blog, so she very kindly pre-recorded the audio and supplied the photographs so that I could piece together this VLOG.

As a fellow foodie, Verushka’s blog inspires me with all of her foodie adventures. Her Journey of living abroad away from her family also resembles very closely my own experiences, this is why I chose her to be a part fo this series.

Follow her on:

Audio Recorded via Whatsapp by Verushka Ramsami

Photos provided by Verushka Ramsami

Dove Campaign photos from Dove
Editing by Nelson de Gouveia &  Jacqui Cooks
Music by iMovie – Playful Theme

Disclaimer: I am not a professional videographer, nor hard-hitting journalist, all was edited in iMovie. By Ep 100 I’m sure I’ll have improved 🙂
#jaxpirational The Jax Blog – All Rights Reserved

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