Sisterhood of the World Bloggers – Nomination


What could be more wonderful than receiving a nom from a fellow Travel Blogger and friend Ceece’s Travel for my writing on this #WanderlustWednesday? Nothing beats this heartfelt compliment coming from an already well established blogger who helped me to find my own feet.

A very BIG thank you Cee for not only the nomination, but for continuing to inspire me and many others through your words and your friendly, bubbly personality that shines through every tweet. Thank you also for introducing me to some new#fiercefemale bloggers – bring on the sisterhood

I will do my best to answer all your questions and then pay it forward 🙂

1. What is the most memorable food you’ve had while travelling? Ooh there are soooo many! I really love the traditional American Thanksgiving feast with cranberry, stuffing and all the trimmings! American corn dogs or shaved ice sno-cone or the Icees during the summer. All super unhealthy but og so yummy! We better add a NY pretzel to that list for good measure;-)




ok on a healthier note drinking fresh coconut water from a real coconut in the Carribbean was just amazing!


2. If for some reason you could never Travel again and had to return home, where would you settle? Without a doubt that would have to be my fair Mother City, Cape Town. It is paradise on earth and I wouldn’t want to die anywhere else.


3. What is the one place you would never Travel back too?
Wow! I can’t say, I haven’t really had any bad experiences with the places I’ve been to. Though I’ve never been to India and lack any desire to go there, does that count?

4. Have you ever met anyone famous while travelling? Well, I used to live in Hollywood, yip THAT Hollywood in Los Angeles, California good ol’ US of A. So celebrities were a dime a dozen and know what? They’re all just normal people like you and I. The most down to earth guy I met whilst there, was John Leguizamo (from Romeo & Juliet, To Wong Foo and recently Chef). So humble and polite. Whilst studying acting I had 2 part time jobs, one of which i was a cashier at a popular pharmacy. He had come in on Easter weekend as he forgot to buy his kids Easter eggs. Just a regular do-good dad making every day chit chat with the cashier. No biggie. I must admit I was still new to LA and very star struck at the time.So I kept a copy of his credit card receipt that he had signed (we weren’t allowed to ask for autographs)….lol…not sure what happened to that?



5. Is there anything you collect from your Travels? Yes!! No matter how many photos I take, I always buy a postcard or 2; A fridge magnet for my mom; and ticket stubs to concerts/theatre/art performances which I staple to the playbill/programme ( I get this from my mom, she used to do the same when she was younger 🙂

6. What is the best advice your mother ever gave you? Have faith and know everything is as its meant to be. Be strong, always be yourself, and follow your heart. What are your kitchen must have’s? My pink Kitchen aid and soon (I hope) a matching pastel pink retro smeg fridge! why? cos cupcakes & chocolate are their own foodgroup and taste better when cooked with pink appliances 🙂 my theory!







8. What is the post you have been most proud of? The Art of the Brick  it was a great family day out!

9. What is the Inspiration behind your Blog Name? My name was actually taken on Twitter so I had to come up with a more creative handle so I chose @thejax_1 Jax is a nickname people call me often. So I thought, for consistency sake why not build my blog around that?


10. When you are not Travelling or Blogging you are? Shopping, baking, hanging out with family, in the summer being a beach bum and reading…I love love love the ocean and wild horses cannot drag me away from our fair beaches. I have a secret spot up the West Coast which I can’t tell you about as then it’d no longer be a secret. 😉IMG_1130

I’d like to Nominate the following bloggers:

Mademoiselle Nomad

The Roaming Giraffe

The Tourist In

CT My Love

Going Somewhere Slowly

If you could answer the same questions as I have been asked, re-post on your blog and pay it forward, that would be awesome!

I hope you all enjoyed getting to know a bit more about little ol’ me. I’d love to get to know all of you a bit more too, so feel free to leave your comments in the comment box below.



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