Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals on Valentine’s Day

Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals on Valentine’s Day - The Jax blog

Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals Valentine’s Day

So it’s that time of year again and you find yourself Bridget Jonesing through life, do you stay at home and hide or do you celebrate?

Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals on Valentine’s Day - The Jax blog

As tempting as it is to stalk your crush’s profile for the umpteenth time…don’t do it for the love of your own sanity. You know that he knows that you’ve been watching. So put down the ice cream and step away from the computer or close the app on your phone.

There is only one option for us single gals and that is to throw yourself a Big, Phat Party and celebrate!

How? You ask.

Here are my Top 10 survival tips for single gals on Valentine’s Day:

  1. 50 Shades Darker – oh come on now let’s not be coy you’ve read all 3 books so go grab a group of your nearest and dearest gal pals and go watch the damn movie!


How about a good old fashion book club (*wink*wink*)? Discuss the 50 shades book with your girls whilst imbibing copious amounts of bubbly and discussing at great lengths why piercing blue eyed Ian Somerhalder was not cast as Mr Grey

Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals on Valentine’s Day - The Jax blog
Image source: pinterest

3. You know those 2 for one happy hour specials? Now you can have BOTH 🙂 Get your Carrie on! Yay you! (please don’t drive if you choose this option)

Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals on Valentine’s Day - The Jax blog
Image source: Pinterest

4. How about a Movie Marathon? Jacob and Edward vs Carrie Bradshaw? Take your pick…or why not watch both…?

5. You know that ridiculous amount of money you would’ve blown on a romantic weekend away for two? How about that awesome pair of Manolos that you have been eyeing since well before Christmas? Go BUY those damn HEELS!

Top 10 Survival Tips for Single Gals on Valentine’s Day - The Jax blog
image source: pinterest

For all Top 10 tips kindly visit the original article. The original article is written for CT Girl with the Red Scarf. If you would like to read the full post please click here.

If you would like to read the full post please click here.

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